Virtual library of project LCOIR-UA


Resources on the theme of project in English

Accelerated Climate Technology Innovation Initiative (ACT II): A New Distributed Strategy to Reform the U.S. Energy Innovation System. – 2009. – 36 p. – 3008.pdf
Arnold M., Ramakrishnan S. / Combating Climate Change: Can Open Innovation Methods help? – 2009. – 9 p. – 3003.pdf
Arnold M., Ramakrishnan S. / Combat climate change – do open innovation methods help? – 2009. – 24 p. – 3010.pdf
Climate Change Science Compendium 2009. – 2009. – 72 p. – 3011.pdf
Diffusion of renewable energy technologies: Case studies of enabling frameworks in developing countries. – 2011. – 18 p. – 3001.pdf
EU emissions trading: An open scheme promoting global innovation to combat climate change. – 2005. – 24 p. – 3006.pdf
Garayannis E.G. / The Freie Concept in the Context of Open Innovation Diplomacy. – 2011. – 36 p. – 3007.pdf
Hall B.H., Helmers C. / Innovation in Clean/Green Technology: Can Patent Commons Help? – 2010. – 36 p. – 3005.pdf
Monkelbaan J. / Transport, Trade and Climate Change: Carbon Footprints, Fuel Subsidies and Market-based Measures. – 2011. – 60 p. – 3009.pdf
Srinivas K.Ravi / Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights. – 2009. – 47 p. – 3002.pdf
Srinivas K.R. / Open Source, Open Innovation and Climate Change Technology Development and Transfer. – 2011. – 25 p. – 3004.pdf

A project implemented by Donetsk National University, Ukraine 


The views expressed on this web-site do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission and the Government of Ukraine


This project is funded by the European Union 

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